Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey MBChB. MPH. FISQua
Council Chair

Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey MBChB. MPH. FISQua conceptualized the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) as the foremost platform for patriotic Ghanaians, activists and academics, who are leading with social justice advocacy, evidence based left of centre policy alternatives, selfless leadership and community development in order to achieve a more equitable Ghanaian society.

He currently chairs the Council of CSJ. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey comes into this role with a varied background as a writer, founder of two non-profit organizations, physician, public health specialist and a certified quality improvement advisor. For years, he wrote a weekly column in the Daily Graphic, Ghana’s leading newspaper, titled “Affirmatively Disruptive”, where he raised critical matters of sociopolitical and health importance. A former Vice President of the Ghana Medical Association, he was awarded the special commendation award of the GMA in recognition of years of meritorious service to the Association and the medical profession in Ghana.

As a public health practitioner and quality improvement advisor, he currently works full time as the Vice President overseeing Global Grants at the Boston-based Institute for Healthcare Improvement. In this role, he provides strategic, technical and operational leadership over many global projects focused on health systems strengthening, maternal newborn and child health, Tuberculosis, national quality policy and strategy, and patient safety, among others.

Sodzi currently chairs the Board of Nyaho Medical Centre and is a member of the Boards of Ubora Quality Institute, REACH Health Consult and the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) to which he was elected in 2020 as the first African member. He previously served on the Board of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme and was a foundation member of the Governing Council of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS). Sodzi is a Fellow of ISQua and also a 2017 Global Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation for Social Innovation.