Membership / Support
You can either join the team or support a just cause for a better future of the Ghananain community.
Individuals supportive of the vision of the Centre for Social Justice shall exhibit the highest standards of personal integrity (harmony between thought, word, and deed), shall bring their professional skills to bear on the society’s development, shall have courage to express alternate views freely, achieve impact through measurable results and distinguish themselves through personal leadership. As a group, we shall be guided by the following core tenets;
Freedom: Freedom of each person to play a part in the society and its decision making and to be appreciated for it
Equity: Equitable distribution of cultural and economic resources of society. We note however that achievements must be rewarded and those who command more of the society’s resources should contribute more to the society.
Solidarity: National (Ghana) interest above all else. We are unapologetic patriots.
You can either join the team or support a just cause for a better future of the Ghananain community.
Professionals with left of centre political ideological sympathies engaging proactively and deliberately in Ghana’s political space.